I knew I wanted to barbecue them but the last time I made a huge rack they didn't come out so good. Like didn't fall off the bone. At all. And were super tough and couldn't even be eaten, hence no finger lickin.' I was told by a few people to boil them first, which I thought was kinda odd. Usually boiling cooks all the nutrients out of your food and I wasn't too sold on doing that to this lovely rack of ribs. I did it anyways then grilled them. They were pretty much inedible. My solution was the "country style" that fit in the crockpot. These come out amazing but it's just not the same experience as digging your ravenous teeth into a huge chunk meat and ripping the succulent pork off the bone like the natural meat eaters we are.
When I'm not totally confident in how to make something, I usually search a ton of recipes and take bits and pieces that I like to make them my own. That's what I magically did with these ribs and they were just about perfect! I adjusted the time in the oven so the meat falls off a bit more. My husband threw the rub together and massaged it into the ribs and I did the rest. I do have to warn you, unlike most of my other recipes, this one takes several hours to cook...but come out so good they will be gone within minutes.
BBQ Ribs
- One full rack of ribs
- 2 tbs paprika
- 1 tbs garlic powder
- 1 tbs onion powder
- 1 tbs chili powder
- 1 tbs cumin
- 1 1/2 tsp pepper
- 1 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/2 cup chicken stock...beer would probably work good too!
- Sweet Baby Ray's
- 2 tbs cornstarch
- 1tbs water
- 1/4 cup brown sugar
- 2 tbs balsamic vinegar
Preheat your oven to 200 degrees. Place ribs in. They will need to cook for 3-4 hours. After 2 hours, pour your chicken stock in the pan and coat the ribs with the barbecue sauce.
After about 4 hours, place them on the grill over medium high heat. Cook on both sides for about 7 minutes or until it has a char that you like. Brush with more barbecue sauce if you want!
Now for some dipping sauce. Pour the leftover juices from the baking dish into a small sauce pan. Bring to a boil over medium heat.
In a separate bowl combine the water and cornstarch. This helps it not get lumpy when you add it in.
Lower the temperature to a simmer. Add the brown sugar and vinegar. Whisk in the cornstarch to the sauce. It should thicken within seconds, if not add a little more.
It should be done at the moment your ribs are.

We made grilled corn on the cob too which is my favorite way to eat it. Put a piece of corn, a slab of butter and your favorite spices in a foil package. Grill for about 20 minutes but make sure you move it around in between so it caramelizes evenly.
You're Welcome